With a staggering haul of experience, insight, bravery, and awards between them, Wendy Thompson & Melanie Spencer are Thompson Spencer’s co-founders. They’ve dedicated their careers to building communities, always with an eye on what’s coming next.

The flame had started getting warmer under social media but agencies were steadfastly staying monogamous with traditional channels. 

Wendy could see that social media would grow, and it offered brands so much more than a closed shop window - there were opportunities for conversation, for sharing…for a symbiotic groundswell where communities could grow and help inform where brands should step next. Hitching her wagon to the power of communities, Wendy established Socialites in 2010, one of New Zealand’s first social media agencies. Social strategy leading first, always, saw Wendy, quickly building an impressive list of local and international clients (and awards).

Meanwhile, Melanie was making her mark on the corporate world on both sides of the Tasman as a senior leader, steering brands and teams through marketing transformations at pace. One of the first marketers in Australia to kick off the growth of influencer marketing, Mel has always been known for leading from the top, supporting teams from all sides, following her nose and the data, and being commercially savvy with heart. 

A slew of successful international social media campaigns brought Wendy and Mel together in 2019, and they began to muse on how amazing it would be if a full-service agency existed to flip the traditional model and put social, conversations and community at the heart of all strategy. Never ones to sit on their hands and watch someone else have all the fun, they decided to do it together, immediately, and acquire everything they needed to make it a reality. 

So began Wendy & Mel’s Commercial Add To Cart whirlwind.

With a bespoke influencer portal, accredited media agency, production company, Chinese marketing specialist team, and talent agency all checked out and being shipped to Socialites HQ, Mel and Wendy branded their new, fulsome offering as Thompson Spencer. Ready to make extraordinary things happen for brands, they hit the ground running.

Our brands bring their unique strengths and perspectives that contribute to the group's collective success.